Never dream of pearls
Did Eve dream of marriage, venerating blossom and vulva? The notions of a more modern standard? There must be conjugal idolatry in all such magic Pray, take my flower
and from magic, procreation the case for rights, common and submissive idolatry put up as prize. All desire is dispossessed in this liquid twilight. My beloved's rise from sleep her waning song of objections Sleepy voice, sleepy tempo— the muddle of the nonconformists Love
Love and sleep mingled till the poets among us can be I am woven in your hair
passion's abuse— the capacity of the voice to stir flames clings to all things vulgar to conjecture's hot denials. That then is the dilemma of uncommon, undying love— the grace of coffee cups rain in the evenings the wild bees of any normal god busy streets of dusky simplicity Only the pungent word becomes love— crushed leather and pearls ardor by the cupful, liquid and voltaic. Erica T. Carter |